Dejavoo QD4

Credit Sale

  1. From the main screen, enter in the sale amount and select “OK”.
  2. The terminal might prompt for a tip amount if enabled. If so, select tip amount and
    select “OK”.
  3. Insert, swipe, tap, or start entering the card information on the terminal.
  4. Other prompts might appear depending on the terminal’s configurations. The terminal
    might ask for the PIN#.
    Please note. You can press “OK” to bypass.
  5. Wait for the terminal to process the transaction. The sales receipt will be printed out

Void Sale

Use this feature to cancel a transaction that has not yet been settled.

  1. From the main screen, tap the 3-line icon and choose “Void”.
  2. The terminal will show you the most recent transaction, but you can select a transaction
    by the transaction IDs or credit card numbers located on the receipt.
  3. Choose the transaction you wish to void and tap on the “>” icon.
  4. Wait for the terminal to process the void transaction. A receipt will be printed out


Use this feature after a transaction has already been settled and the funds were taken out of the customer’s account.

  1. From the main screen, tap the 3-line icon and choose “Refund”.
  2. Terminal might prompt for the manager’s password.
  3. Enter the refund amount and click “OK”.
  4. Insert, swipe, tap, or start entering the customers card information on the terminal.
  5. The terminal might ask for the customers PIN#. Please note. You can click “OK” to
  6. Wait for the terminal to process the refund. The terminal will print out a receipt for the

Reprint Receipt

Please note. You can only reprint a receipt when the transaction is still in the open batch.

  1. From the main screen, click the star icon, and click “Reprint”.
  2. The most recent transaction will appear, but you can select a transaction by the
    transaction ID and the last 4 of the card number.
  3. Choose the transaction you wish to reprint and tap on the “>” icon.
  4. Click “Yes” to reprint a copy of the receipt.
  5. Wait for the terminal to print a copy of the receipt.

Show or Settle Batch

  1.  From main screen, click on the start icon, and click “Show/Settle Batch”.
  2. Click “Settle”.
  3. If there are any transactions that need to be adjusted for a tip, the terminal will give you
    an alert to adjust before settling the terminal.
  4. Click “Yes”.
  5. The terminal will settle, and a batch report will be printed out.


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